Mini Project: Un Día en mi Vida
Project Summary:
Essential Questions (Preguntas Esenciales):
How is my morning and daily routine similar and/or different from that of others in my culture and different cultures? How is my culture and hometown similar and/or different from a student in Baja California, Mexico? What strategies can I use to communicate my thoughts and ideas more effectively in another language? Why is it important to have healthy habits in your daily routine?
Enduring Understandings (Comprensiones Duraderas):
Language is a bridge that connects you to other people and cultures. Recognizing cultural differences between countries helps one gain new perspectives to ultimately aid in language comprehension. Gaining knowledge about and empathizing with other peoples and cultures leads to a more tolerant society. The goal is communication and having the courage to make mistakes.
Metas de la unidad:
I can communicate about my and other people's morning routine. I can interpret and show that I understand a variety of morning routine related stories by answering questions, summarizing, acting and writing about my own routines. I can look at someone's schedule and answer questions about their daily routine. I know some unique cultural and historical facts about a Hispanic Country. I can prepare a presentation/multimedia project in Spanish about my town and my daily routines during the school week (4-7 minutes approx). I have the courage to make mistakes and communicate my ideas in Spanish.
Introduce yourself and Durango
Essential Questions (Preguntas Esenciales):
How is my morning and daily routine similar and/or different from that of others in my culture and different cultures? How is my culture and hometown similar and/or different from a student in Baja California, Mexico? What strategies can I use to communicate my thoughts and ideas more effectively in another language? Why is it important to have healthy habits in your daily routine?
Enduring Understandings (Comprensiones Duraderas):
Language is a bridge that connects you to other people and cultures. Recognizing cultural differences between countries helps one gain new perspectives to ultimately aid in language comprehension. Gaining knowledge about and empathizing with other peoples and cultures leads to a more tolerant society. The goal is communication and having the courage to make mistakes.
Metas de la unidad:
I can communicate about my and other people's morning routine. I can interpret and show that I understand a variety of morning routine related stories by answering questions, summarizing, acting and writing about my own routines. I can look at someone's schedule and answer questions about their daily routine. I know some unique cultural and historical facts about a Hispanic Country. I can prepare a presentation/multimedia project in Spanish about my town and my daily routines during the school week (4-7 minutes approx). I have the courage to make mistakes and communicate my ideas in Spanish.
Introduce yourself and Durango
- Introduce yourself, Durango and things about Durango.
- A Day in the life
- What happens in a typical school day for you? Include things like:
- Your routines - when you get up / shower (day or night), get ready for school or eat breakfast
- ¿Qué comes para el desayuno y cuándo lo comes?
- ¿Cómo y cuándo vas a la escuela? (How do you get to school and when?
- Part 2- Hacer una presentación, video o vlog y comparte con una audiencia
- Put your ideas together in a multimedia presentation, video or vlog. (Use Capcut or recorded Zoom or other way - must have your face on the zoom presentation) You CAN use an avatar.
- Write a script in Spanish and have it approved by your teacher (do you need subtitles in Spanish for the video project?)
- Post your project on your DP. Share it with Profe Kat. It will be shared with a student in Mexico.
- ¿Cómo llegas a la casa o a una actividad? (How do you get home or to an activity?)
- ¿Qué haces después de la escuela? Trabajo - I work / Deberes = chores / Tarea = HW /me relajo = I relax etc (What do you do after school? ¿Cuándo comes la cena? (When do you eat dinner?)
Introduction To Durango: Hola, me llamo Max. Soy de Durango, Colorado. Yo tengo quince años. Me gusta pasar tiempo con amigos, jugar fútbol, esquiar y acampar. Durango está en el suroeste de los Estados Unidos. Durango es una pequeña ciudad con una población de 20,000 personas. Hay muchas montañas y árboles con un río. Hay muchas actividades en Durango. En el invierno jugar en la nieve y patinar. También yo esquío en las montañas y esquí de nórdica. Para esquí de nórdica es como esquí de fondo pero más rápido. En el verano y el otoño me gusta acampar, montar bicicletas, hacer rafting al río que se llama río de las Animas, va al lago que se llama Lago Nighthorse. Mi escuela se llama Animas High School, hay aproximadamente 200 estudiantes.
School Day: Tengo que despertarme a las 6:30 de la mañana. Me ducho y me visto. Cómo un batido para el desayuno. Entonces salgo de mi casa. Yo tengo escuela a las 7:45 de la mañana, luego hago mi tarea o me gusta navegar por la red tópicos personales. La escuela comienza a las 8:30, yo tengo siete clases. Mi primera clase es de clase de español con la profe Kat. Luego voy a clase de álgebra avanzada con Ande. A Animas nosotros usamos la primera nombre de los profes. Después, tengo la clase de humanidades con Peter. Humanidades es una clase de dos periodos. Después de clase de humanidades como el almuerzo. Al almuerzo pasar tiempo con amigos, Después del almuerzo voy a clase de physics con Jullian. Luego voy a clase de matemáticas con Ande. Luego de matemáticas voy a clase de Speculative Fiction con Alec. La escuela termina a las 3:20 de la tarde.
After School: Después de escuela voy a casa o paso tiempo con amigos. En mi casa luego jugar videojuegos o se duerme.Cuando salgo con mis amigos jugamos fútbol o caminamos y hablamos. A las 6:30 por la noche como comida. Luego hago mi tarea. Me cepillo los dientes. Me duermo a las 9:30 de la noche.
Introduction To Durango: Hola, me llamo Max. Soy de Durango, Colorado. Yo tengo quince años. Me gusta pasar tiempo con amigos, jugar fútbol, esquiar y acampar. Durango está en el suroeste de los Estados Unidos. Durango es una pequeña ciudad con una población de 20,000 personas. Hay muchas montañas y árboles con un río. Hay muchas actividades en Durango. En el invierno jugar en la nieve y patinar. También yo esquío en las montañas y esquí de nórdica. Para esquí de nórdica es como esquí de fondo pero más rápido. En el verano y el otoño me gusta acampar, montar bicicletas, hacer rafting al río que se llama río de las Animas, va al lago que se llama Lago Nighthorse. Mi escuela se llama Animas High School, hay aproximadamente 200 estudiantes.
School Day: Tengo que despertarme a las 6:30 de la mañana. Me ducho y me visto. Cómo un batido para el desayuno. Entonces salgo de mi casa. Yo tengo escuela a las 7:45 de la mañana, luego hago mi tarea o me gusta navegar por la red tópicos personales. La escuela comienza a las 8:30, yo tengo siete clases. Mi primera clase es de clase de español con la profe Kat. Luego voy a clase de álgebra avanzada con Ande. A Animas nosotros usamos la primera nombre de los profes. Después, tengo la clase de humanidades con Peter. Humanidades es una clase de dos periodos. Después de clase de humanidades como el almuerzo. Al almuerzo pasar tiempo con amigos, Después del almuerzo voy a clase de physics con Jullian. Luego voy a clase de matemáticas con Ande. Luego de matemáticas voy a clase de Speculative Fiction con Alec. La escuela termina a las 3:20 de la tarde.
After School: Después de escuela voy a casa o paso tiempo con amigos. En mi casa luego jugar videojuegos o se duerme.Cuando salgo con mis amigos jugamos fútbol o caminamos y hablamos. A las 6:30 por la noche como comida. Luego hago mi tarea. Me cepillo los dientes. Me duermo a las 9:30 de la noche.
Project Reflection:
What did you learn were your greatest strengths? I think that during this project I learned how to take photos and videos better. Sure editing them all together wasn't the greatest but I feel like I got better with thinking about how I wanted different shots to look and what I wanted the backgrounds to look like. I thought that both clips of me nordic skiing and alpine skiing turned out really well.
What would you change if you had a chance to do this project/activity again? If I had the chance to do this project again I think that I would like to have some more 3rd person shots and not as many 1st person shots.
What moments are you most proud of your efforts/involvement? I had a really fun time filming the alpine and nordic skiing clips with my family and friend. It took a little while and attempts to get a decent shot but I think it payed off well.
What did you learn were your greatest strengths? I think that during this project I learned how to take photos and videos better. Sure editing them all together wasn't the greatest but I feel like I got better with thinking about how I wanted different shots to look and what I wanted the backgrounds to look like. I thought that both clips of me nordic skiing and alpine skiing turned out really well.
What would you change if you had a chance to do this project/activity again? If I had the chance to do this project again I think that I would like to have some more 3rd person shots and not as many 1st person shots.
What moments are you most proud of your efforts/involvement? I had a really fun time filming the alpine and nordic skiing clips with my family and friend. It took a little while and attempts to get a decent shot but I think it payed off well.
Salsa Smackdown
Project Objectives:
Essential Questions:
Learning Objectives:
Essential Questions:
- How can cultural awareness shape my language learning?
- What strategies can I use to communicate my thoughts and ideas more effectively in another language?
- How has Mexican food influenced American culture?
- Everyone can learn another language (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc…)
- The recognition of patterns in language gives the speaker a wider range of communication skills.
Learning Objectives:
- Collaborate with your group to identify the salsa you want to make
- Identify key food vocabulary and verbs in Spanish
- Refine your recipe in Spanish and English on one document to be presented with your food
- Establish cross-cultural connections
- Develop food preparation skills
- Reflect on success of the project on your Digital Portfolio
Project Reflection:
During this project I learned a lot about ordering food in Spanish, various words for different foods, and how to make salsa. With food being an essential resource for survival it is of great importance to know how to ask for food in Spanish. I enjoyed this project quite a bit and making salsa was fun. I had never made salsa before so I had to do a substantial amount of research to find a recipe that I could make with my skill set. I personally thought my salsa tasted like spicy cilantro but it tasted alright. Overall I had a fun time with this project and it definitely helped me refine and learn a few new cooking skills.
During this project I learned a lot about ordering food in Spanish, various words for different foods, and how to make salsa. With food being an essential resource for survival it is of great importance to know how to ask for food in Spanish. I enjoyed this project quite a bit and making salsa was fun. I had never made salsa before so I had to do a substantial amount of research to find a recipe that I could make with my skill set. I personally thought my salsa tasted like spicy cilantro but it tasted alright. Overall I had a fun time with this project and it definitely helped me refine and learn a few new cooking skills.