Curentlly in humanites I have been reading and annotting two novels American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang and Mexican White boy Matt De La Pena. These novels focus on stereotypes involving race and culture.
Socialization And Identity Exhibition
Socialization And Identity Mask-Breaking Free |
Socialization And Identity Essay |
Semester 2
Sankofa Project:
What would you change about this project?
One thing that I would change about this project is having more time to put together your final project/piece. Having one and a half weeks was enough time for me to finish my project but not enough time to refine it. What were your 3 main takeaways from this project? My three main takeaways from this project were: There are a lot of problems that we need to tackle in our modern society. Not every one/ every group has equal rights and an equal voice, We can help make our society a better place. What was challenging about this project? One thing that I felt was challenging about this unit was the Bears Ears debate. In the debate we were assigned one of two sides: pro-monument and anti-monument. I was assigned an anti-monument which contrasted my own beliefs but I managed to push through it and still make a strong argument. In which I learned alot about how to see the other side of a perspective. Do you feel like you had an understanding of what was expected of you? Why or why not? I feel like we had a lot of freedom with this project and being able to pick our topic and our medium. So while I liked being able to have a lot of creativity with this project I did not really know the expectations with this project and if I was even doing the right thing. What do you wish you were able to study more of? Why? I wish that I was able to study more about the oppression of the Native Americans and how their water is still affected by mining and how very little has been done about it. Whose project impressed you the most? Why? Be specific. I have yet to see other projects yet but I will be sure to check them out once their displayed. |